Use our warehouse calculator to figure out the square footage you will need for storage. Depending on how many pallets are stackable and the utilization ratio of your products, this calculator can give you a close idea. Pricing can vary, such as for cold storage- which tends to be a bit pricier. Once you’ve figured out your space needs using the calculator, feel free to send an inquiry. We’ll get back to you with a personalized quote that takes everything into account
*Utilization refers to the efficient use of available storage space. It is calculated by comparing the amount of space currently in use to the total available storage capacity.
A utilization rate of 40% to 80% is generally considered optimal for several reasons. Firstly, maintaining utilization within this range ensures that the warehouse is neither underutilized nor overcrowded.
With a utilization rate below 40%, valuable space remains unused, leading to inefficiencies in storage and potentially higher operational costs per unit of stored goods.
On the other hand, exceeding an 80% utilization rate can result in congestion, reduced accessibility, and increased safety hazards due to overcrowding. Also, if there are frequent in & outs, it will be difficult to remove your product efficiently.
By aiming for a utilization rate between 40% and 80%, warehouses can strike a balance between maximizing space efficiency and maintaining operational flexibility. This range allows for adequate buffer space to accommodate fluctuations in inventory levels, seasonal variations in demand, and unforeseen storage needs while still optimizing the use of available storage capacity. If your product requires heavy equipment or is oversized, lowering your utilization ratio may be ideal if you need the space for forklifts to fit in-between your cargo. Ultimately, maintaining an optimal utilization rate enhances warehouse productivity, safety, and cost-effectiveness.