This is common question that we receive. They can transport parts to Canada through various modes of transport, such as rail, air, ocean and truck.
The most widely used mode of transportation is trucking between the U.S. and Canada. This involves transporting the vehicles across the USA/Canadian border. Once the parts are loaded onto the trucks, they are then transported and cleared through customs. Once customs provides clearance, the trucks continue their journey to Canada.
Rail is also a popular option. The parts are loaded onto rail cars in the U.S. and transported to rail yards at the border. From there, the parts are transferred to Canadian rail cars and transported to the destination in Canada.
Air transportation is used for expedited shipments or for parts that require urgent delivery. The parts are shipped by air from the U.S. to Canada and then transported to the final destination.
Ocean transportation is used for automobile parts that are manufactured overseas and then shipped to the U.S. for assembly. Once the parts are assembled in the U.S., they can be transported by truck or rail across the border into Canada.
Regardless of the mode of transportation used, U.S. companies need to ensure that the automobile parts comply with Canadian customs regulations and that all necessary paperwork is completed and submitted.